Hourly Passes

5 EUR /Hourly passes (30-day expiry)
no monthly fee
Cancellation Notice
0 days

Pay only for the hours you will use MOB.
Access the space from Monday to Friday.
8.00 to 20.00
Check in when you access the space and don't forget to check out when you leave.
Buy hourly passes in bulk for a big discount (hourly passes expire 30 days after purchase or 90 days if you buy 100 hours).

Time Passes

Hourly passes (30-day expiry)
1 Pass 5 EUR
25 Passes
125 EUR 60 EUR
50 Passes
250 EUR 100 EUR
Hourly passes (90-day expiry)
1 Pass 5 EUR
100 Passes
500 EUR 150 EUR

Booking Credits

Booking Credit
Ada Lovelace (Meeting Room) / Alan Turing (Meeting room) / Rosalind Franklin (Meeting Room)
Price per hour: 5.00 EUR
Terms and Conditions »

Change Plan

Account Details

If you don’t have an account, enter a new password. Forgot password?

Personal Details

Name or company are required

Buy Time Passes

Hourly passes (30-day expiry)

Price: 5.00 EUR (+ 21.0% tax) each.
Expire after 30 days.

Hourly passes (90-day expiry)

Price: 5.00 EUR (+ 21.0% tax) each.
Expire after 90 days.

Start Date
